Benefits for public bodies
In aiming to make Mid Sussex one of the most digitally advanced areas of the country, the Digital Mid Sussex programme focuses as much on transforming public services - from education to health, transport, housing and social care – as on businesses and residents.
If you’re part of a team managing a Mid Sussex school, college, hospital, health trust, housing association or other public institution, connecting to the new network will bring significant advantages.
It will:
- deliver dramatically faster Internet speeds: the infrastructure we’ve installed can support services today that operate beyond one gigabit per second (1 Gbps) – and will be capable of handling vastly higher speeds in future
- help you make your operations more efficient and resilient
- provide a platform for you to digitalise more of your operations to work in new ways, deliver more services online and introduce new services
- in the near future, provide the foundations for additional innovations including 5G, which will bring a host of further opportunities for mobile service delivery
You may well be able to connect to our network now and get full-fibre services, such as high-speed Internet and leased line Ethernet. Click below to find out more.
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